Welcome to Classic Bungalows!
The Bungalow is a distinctive Arts & Crafts style of heritage home found throughout North America. Incredibly popular in the 1900 – 1925 period, the Bungalow started in California as an economical, cozy and artistic type of housing. With the economic boom preceding World War I, the bungalow – in all its wonderful variations – was built across the continent. Bungalows were either designed by architects, or built by contractors from pattern books of house plans. Read more about how the Bungalow got its start, what made it different from houses in the Victorian period, and what made it special.
Articles in Classic Bungalows
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We give you tips and suggestions for restoring this cozy Arts & crafts design feature.

In this article, we look at the stock of 1910 – 1920’s bungalows in the town of Powell River, British Columbia, and how they have changed over the years since they were built.

What is the ‘Rustic Style’? In this article, we visit a small rustic forest cottage and see what natural materials in a forest setting can do when applied to a Bungalow framework.

A classic Bungalow set in a lake! All the charm of a bungalow, with the added attraction of a water view and cooling breezes. See how the bunglalow style can adapt to a summer setting.

This method of construction, with its potential rich appearance, and variety of shapes, provided an expensive ‘stone’ look to an inexpensive method of construction.

Misshapen bricks. Should they be thrown away. or was there a good use for them? Rough walls with hand-built attention to detail became the rage of Arts & Crafts exteriors.

Fireplace Tiles in the Arts & Crafts period were different from the exuberant transfer-print designs of the Victorian period. Learn more about these tiles with decorative glazes, natural colours and stylized flower designs.

What did the interiors of original Arts & Crafts homes really look like? Several original photographs of interiors from Bungalow and Arts & Crafts homes show original design details of the era.

How and why did Bungalows develop? Why do they look the way they do? We explain the development of this popular Arts & Crafts style of house, and describe the many distinctive design features found in these homes.